Our Supporters
The Centre has been the honoured recipient of grants from the supporters. We would like to thank the following supporters of our efforts:
New Horizons
Wellness, Culture & Sport
Town of Sussex*
Village of Sussex Corner
Town of Hampton
Local Businesses
Bank of Nova Scotia
Bank of Montreal
Royal Bank
PotashCorp New Brunswick
Sussex & Area Community Foundation
Memorials at funeral homes
Recyclable products at Norrad’s Recyclables (tell them it’s for the Senior Centre)
Since we opened our doors in January 2007, we have received many donated items from individuals and groups; so many, it is impossible to acknowledge them separately. They greatly assisted in giving us the ability to provide the services for our seniors.
If you have something you think the Seniors Centre could use, please call us at 433-8480.
We issue Tax Receipts for cash and other donations made to the Sussex and Ares Seniors’ Centre. Donations can be made as memorials at any local funeral home or directly to us.
The next time you take recyclable bottles and cans to Norrad’s recycling, they will forward the money to the Sussex and Area Seniors’ Centre if you want them to. Just advise them to do so.
*Special recognition to the Town of Sussex for without their huge support we would not have this service to offer to the community and surrounding area.